Pierre Thibault
X-ray Nanoimaging Group (xnig.soton.ac.uk)
University of Southampton, UK
The X-ray Nano-Imaging Group at the University of Southampton, headed by Dr. Pierre Thibault, focuses its activities on the development of high-resolution X-ray phase-contrast techniques and their applications in life and materials sciences. Our expertise in advanced algorithmic methods for image reconstruction is applied to a variety of imaging schemes. In addition to regular measurement runs done at multiple synchrotron radiation facilities in the world, we are now able to produce high-resolution X-ray images in our lab, thanks to a newly installed high-brilliance liquid-metal-jet source, the only one used for this purpose in the UK.
We are looking for a determined and motivated student to work on the implementation, development and applications of X-ray phase-contrast techniques based on modulations of patterned X-ray beams. In particular, the successful candidate will (1) optimise the setup for speckle-based methods; (2) manage collaborations with European partners for applications of speckle-based tomography with relevant biomedical, geological and palaeontological samples; (3) plan and participate to benchmarking experiments at different synchrotrons; and (4) work toward the first demonstration of near-field ptychography at a lab source.
The candidate should have a good background in optics and atomic physics. Good programming skills (ideally in python, C/C++ or matlab) are essential. Past experience with X-ray equipment is valuable but not essential.
This scholarship, available only to United Kingdom and European Union citizens, provides full support of fees, student grant and some research support over a period of 3.5 years.
Interested candidates should send a cover letter and their CV (including the name and coordinates of two references) directly to Dr. Pierre Thibault (pierre.thibault@soton.ac.uk). The position will remain available until a candidate is found.